Annual Report
July 2022 - June 2023

Our people support tangata whaikaha or people living with disability to live engaging and fulfilling lives.


Male nurse pushing wheelchair for disabled patient


Kiritaki receiving residential care services supported by Whaikaha and Te Whatu Ora



Kiritaki receiving residential and transitional rehabilitation care supported by ACC

Disabled man work at home


Hours of Supported Independent Living support to kiritaki in the community

disabled people


Nights of Respite Care for kiritaki and their whānau in Wellington and Canterbury

Personal branding v2


Proportion of residential kiritaki identifying as Māori

Businesspeople doing checkmark on task list v2


Occupancy rate for all residential care facilities

Girl holding pet dog


Young whānau supported by the HOPE Project while living in the newly opened Pavitt St Transitional Housing service

Digital Life


Client contacts for young people who received mental health counselling for needs including alcohol and drugs, eating disorders, depression and anxiety

Boy and girl at school


Young people received group support including Eating Awareness, brief intervention adventure therapy and Alcohol and Other Drug groups

Little girl on swing


Parent and child supported in the Mana Ake mental health and wellbeing programme

Man stands near signpost and chooses travel route 1


Reintegration Team supported rangatahi who have offended in partnership programme with Ara Poutama

Man tourist resting with tent in camp


Rangatahi supported in their reintegration journey in the Rangatahi Tumanako prosocial mentoring programme

Two girls riding electric scooter


Wāhine and gender diverse rangatahi supported through the Adventurous Whānau Adventure Therapy programme

Mother playing with daughter in living room


Young parents received individual social work supported by Oranga Tamariki

Pregnancy woman Swinging On Swing


Pregnancy and parenting education groups (10 week) delivered supporting young parents and their whānau

Mother playing with baby sitting in stroller


Young parents engaged with our attachment, parenting, and connection groups

Mother playing with daughter v2


Enrolment rate for tamariki learners at early learning service Little Owls Preschool

Mobile Organizer


Turnover of permanent staff across all services

Man washes his hands with soap in sink


Covid-19 Leave Support Scheme Claims processed

Statistical analysis v3


Strategic Plan 2021-25 - Percentage of Key Initiatives achieved or on track to completion in the financial year.

Student celebrate Victory


Grant funding support from non-government funders to enhance and extend services.

Road Navigation 1 v2


Governance meetings held in the Financial Year

CEO Review 2022

2022/2023 has been another exceptional year in our work enabling tangata whaikaha to live engaging and fulfilling lives, and in our work responding to the evolving needs of rangatahi and communities.

An absolute highlight for me over the last year has been witnessing our unique Mission in action. Our values bring our people together, and is the basis of the whakawhanaungatanga or sense of belonging that guides how we support the people who live with us and the people who work for us.

We are respectful of, and committed to, honouring the trust that is placed in us – by tangata whaikaha, by rangatahi, by whānau and communities. We strive to empower people to realise their full potential through living their best lives – whilst fulfilling their aspirations and goals.

Throughout the pandemic, our sector has faced unprecedented challenges from many directions. Each challenge has provided us opportunity to evolve the systems, structures and processes that underpin our capacity to deliver excellent support. As we emerge into this post-pandemic phase, we now address new challenges, in continuing to shape and align our services with the needs of people and communities.

We have now fully completed the Organisational Redesign process, that has added new capabilities and skillsets to our kaupapa. I am delighted that we have realised key appointments, including welcoming Henare Te Karu, Kaumatua – Māori Cultural Advisor, Risk and Compliance Advisor Andrew Loo, and Digital and Technology Manager Jason McTague. Our Health and Ability Services Division has now fully staffed its leadership team, with the appointment of John McManus as General Manager Health and Ability Services and Heather Brunton as Clinical Services Manager.  

Our 2021-25 Strategic Plan is now in its third year.  The strategy places the people we support at the core of all we do.  I am incredibly proud of our teams for the successful achievement of 62 key initiatives despite the challenges experienced throughout the year.   Our services are more robust and resilient through investment in our people, and in the technology and systems that underpin our success. It is my firm belief that at the heart of the strategic development and coordination lays the foundations on which our 320 dedicated and compassionate caregivers conduct their best work.

Our kaupapa is further enriched by the deep expertise of our governing board. Their vision for a better more connected Aotearoa is reflected in the priorities outlined in our strategic plan. Their individual experience and capability is often the unseen hand behind so many of the positive outcomes we achieve each day.

The highlights of this year were all focused on the strategic themes ‘The People We Support’ and the people who work for us - “Strengthening Our Culture”, and include:

  • Our Young Parents Development Team who worked tirelessly to establish the HOPE Project – a programme that will support young parents to build connections, learn and grow as a whānau towards a better future;
  • Our dedicated team at St John of God Halswell who performed admirably during challenging recruitment and staffing conditions in late 2022;
  • Our St John of God Karori whānau who worked to increase the number of tangata whaikaha we support in the Wellington Region, and to deliver more respite care;
  • Our incoming leadership team in Health and Ability Services who will elevate our clinical operations and systems, while ensuring we advocate for the needs of the tangata whaikaha we are called on to support;
  • Our Support Services project leads who have made improvements to our Risk Management systems, as well as mapping our Digital and Technology path towards a productive and sustainable future.

In this year, the support of and coordination with our government partners has never been as important. We continue our efforts to advocate for the needs of the people we support, while working closely with partners to elevate our standards and quality.

Our work is also sustained by our rich landscape of philanthropic supporters in Aotearoa. We were pleased that our work continues to be aligned with the kaupapa of the Rātā Foundation, through their multi-year grant commitment in support of our work at St John of God Waipuna. Other key supporters have also contributed to enhancing the work that we deliver including the Eliza White Charitable Trust, the Meridian Energy Decarbonisation Fund, Lottery Community, Te Rangatahi Tumanako Trust, Kiwi Gaming Foundation, the Hoatu Fund, and Sport New Zealand.

This year we have also seen the release of the Stolen Lives, Marked Souls Report from Royal Commission into Abuse in Care. We continue to express our support for survivors, and the important work of the Commission that supports survivors and their whānau towards healing and a hopeful future.

Our way forward starts with our shared values of Manaakitanga, Aroha, Whakaute, Tika and Hiranga. The life and teaching of Saint John of God brings those values together in our collective vision to continue the healing mission of Jesus. His story shows how we respond to those most vulnerable in our society, and in how we should answer the call to serve and support.

Thank you for your ongoing support and trust in St John of God Hauora Trust.

Ngā mihi mahana,


Message from our Board Chair

The Board of Trustees is proud to present the 2023 annual report of St John of God Hauora Trust, a reflection of our achievements and challenges in the past year. We are grateful for the work of our caregivers, who have shown resilience and compassion in delivering services to the people who need them most. We are also thankful for the support of our partners, donors, and stakeholders, who have enabled us to continue our mission of enhancing the health and wellbeing of our communities.

The year has also seen our organisation sow the seeds of future growth in the support we offer people and communities. The HOPE Project partnership with the Society of St Vincent de Paul, via the Ozanam Canterbury Charitable Trust, may provide a model to deliver more wrap-around support alongside social providers. Our increasing engagement with Whaikaha and Te Whatu Ora will increasingly put the disabled person at the centre of our focus, and ensure our future service delivery best meets community and individual needs. The St John of God Halswell HealthCert Audit this year was an encouraging reflection upon the promise of what our unique model of care can achieve for the people we support.

We remain grateful for our productive and supportive relationship with our parent-organisation St John of God Health Care. Through the year we have seen that support in action through advice and coordination for our ongoing Lucena Development project at Halswell, and in our coordination and projects in relation to the Royal Commission.

Careful stewardship of our resources, across the organisation, has put us in the position of achieving our modest, yet hard-won, surplus in the end of year accounts. While we finished behind our prior year result, we can be pleased with what was achieved in a changing and inflationary environment.  

We would like to acknowledge and thank all the members of the Board of Trustees for their dedication and expertise in guiding and governing our organisation. We welcome Graeme Coles as a new Trustee, who brings depth and insight from his position as General Manager Digital And Technology for St John of God Health Care. We are also delighted to be joined on the Board by Stella Ward who brings important clinical governance capability to our Board. We acknowledge the valued contribution of Andrew Dickerson who resigned as a trustee earlier this year due to ill health, and also our SJGHC representatives Steve Goldsworthy and Lisa Evans who have had career changes that has resulted in them also stepping down.

Resident at St John of God Halswell with Diversional Therapy Practitioner Karon Brown

We would also like to express our appreciation and respect for Chief Executive Officer Sarah Hillier, who has led our organisation with clear vision and strong compassion for those we are called on to serve.

Finally, we would like to thank all our caregivers, who are at the heart of everything we do. You are the ones who make a difference in the lives of our clients every day. You are the ones who embody our values of manaakitanga, aroha, whakaute, tika, and hiranga. You are the ones who make us proud to be part of St John of God Hauora Trust.

This year His Holiness Pope Francis encouraged us all to join hands and take bold steps to “Let Justice and Peace Flow” throughout our world. Thank you for your individual contribution and support for our Mission that seeks achieve hauora for communities and people in Aotearoa.  

Ngā mihi,



“So too, like a river basin with its many tiny and larger tributaries, the Church is a communion of countless local Churches, religious communities and associations that draw from the same shared waters. Each source adds its unique and irreplaceable contribution, until all flow together into the vast ocean of God’s loving mercy. In the same way that a river is a source of life for its surroundings, our synodal Church must be a source of life for our common home and all its inhabitants. In the same way that a river gives life to all kinds of animal and plant life, a synodal Church must give life by sowing justice and peace in every place it reaches.”


Our Financial Performance

Financial Statements for the Year Ended 30 June 2023

Statement of Comprehensive Income
  2023 2022
  $'000 $'000
Revenue from exchange transactions 20,946 20,685
Accommodation and service fees 16,868 16,833
Government grants and subsidies 3,216 3,178
Other grants and subsidies 291 153
Other operating revenue 571 521
Revenue from non-exchange transactions 4 311
Donations 4 311
Total revenue 20,950 20,996
Expenses 19,790 18,860
Employee costs and contract remuneration 15,393 14,886
Supply costs 1,461 1,303
Other operating expenses 1,155 1,024
Centralised support and service costs 1,703 1,597
Board expenses 78 50
EBITDA 1,160 2,136
Interest income (86) (17)
Interest expense 197 119
Net Interest 111 102
Depreciation owned assets 546 528
Depreciation leased assets 101 117
Operating surplus 402 1,389

 Statement of Financial Position
  2023 2022
  $'000 $'000
Current assets 5,181 4,837
Cash and cash equivalents 2,398 1,854
Cash held on behalf of residents 232 225
Bank deposits 1,290 1,256
Sundry debtors and other receivables 1,224 1,460
Inventories 37 42
Non-current assets 8,861 8,630
Property, plant and equipment 7,903 7,975
Work in progress 542 192
Leased assets 400 446
Investment in shares in co-operative supplier 16 17
Total assets 14,042 13,467
Current liabilities 3,390 3,045
Trade payables and accruals 1,545 1,331
Residents' funds 231 225
Employee benefit liabilities 1,237 1,197
Grants held for future or other specific purposes 148 57
Bank loan 130 151
Lease liability 99 84
Non-current liabilities 2,834 3,006
Bank Loan 2,267 2,384
Lease liability 308 363
Loan from St John of God Health Care Inc 259 259
Total liabilities 6,224 6,051
Trust equity 7,818 7,416
Retained surpluses 7,818 7,416
 Statement of Movements in Equity
  2023 2022
  $'000 $'000
Equity at beginning of year 7,416 6,027
Operating surplus for the year 402 1,389
Equity at end of year 7,818 7,416

Statement of Cash Flows
  2023 2022
  $'000 $'000
Cash from Operations 1,643 2,349
Surplus 402 1,389
Depreciation and amortisation 648 646
Changes in working capital    
Accounts receivable 238 38
Prepayment (2) (21)
Inventories 6 (4)
Trade payables and accruals 209 166
Goods and Services Tax 11 (20)
Employee benefit liabilities 40 135
Grants for future or specific purposes 91 20
Cash from Investing (879) (811)
Capital expenditures (879) (811)
Cash from Financing (179) 75
Bank loan (138) (160)
Lease liability (41) 235
Total change in cash 585 1,613
Ending cash balance 3,920 3,335
Beginning cash balance 3,335 1,722
Total change in cash 585 1,613


 Read the Audited Financial Statements

Total Revenue

Operating Surplus

Total Assets

Our Performance Report 2023

Our Year in Care

Our Mission is to continue the healing mission of Jesus, supporting some of the most vulnerable people in our communities. Our five core values of Manaakitanga, Aroha, Whakaute, Tika and Hiranga continue to shape our workforce and the way we collaborate to support the people we work alongside every day.

Our Shared Values


Communities of resilience for rangatahi

Our year in facilitating growth and community connections for the rangatahi we walk alongside.

Our role in the lives of tangata whaikaha

Supporting tangata whaikaha to achieve hauora and in their everyday hopes and aspirations.

Honouring our unique Mission and Vision in Aotearoa

Acknowledging our role in a tradition of people called on to support and advocate for others.

Acknowledging our funders

We would like to thank and acknowledge our key funding supporters who facilitate our capacity to meet need for the people and communities we support.  

Kia manawanui,

Te Whatu Ora Waitaha

  Te Whatu Ora


 ACC logo 


Manatu Hauora


Department of Corrections



Ministry of Education


Thank you to the grant funders, philanthropic supporters and donors who so greatly contribute to the support we deliver

rata positive rgb
Eliza White
Charitable Trust
Te Rangatahi
Tumanako Trust

Lottery Grants

TTF logo RGB
The Hoatu
The Trusts 
Maurice Carter 
Charitable Trust
Tū Manawa 
Active Aotearoa
Elizabeth Ball


Adventure Therapy | Jack's Story

Jack recently joined us to talk about his experience working with our Adventure Therapy team at St John of God Waipuna. Jack recounts some of the challenges going on in his life during high school, his experience in participating in our Adventure Therapy programme, and how that has helped to inform his current course in life.

Our Adventure Therapy team work alongside a range of rangatahi. Our programmes involve a range of activities and experiences that support participants to explore challenges and find solutions in their life, and in their journey towards growth and development.

St John of God Hauora Trust Strategic Plan 2021-25

The Year Ahead

88 document user outline


Digital Care Management System (CMS) programme for Health and Ability Services to improve services for tangata whaikaha

436 love care outline


Enhance hauora and improve health equity for Māori and Pasifika residents

952 business network outline


Collaborate across clinical, allied, and activity services to better meet the needs of tangata whaikaha.

1827 growing plant outline


Develop capability and organisational culture to deliver services that are culturally safe and honour Te Tiriti o Waitangi responsibilities.

212 arrow 1 rounded


Deliver continuous Quality improvement practice and systems that support clinical and service excellence.

731 real estate building project outline


Deliver continuous improvement through engagement and feedback from our people.

1651 neighbourhood outline


Implement Lucena Development Project at St John of God Halswell to support capacity to meet community and referral network demand for our quality residential care service.

1307 hub network outline


Evaluate opportunities to enhance financial sustainability through existing and new contracts for St John of God Waipuna.

112 book morph outline


Establish the position of Kaumatua / Cultural Advisor to support development and progress in cultural competency and meeting the needs of Māori and Pasifika caregivers and communities.

212 arrow 1 rounded


Build a culture of care, support, development and leadership for Health and Ability Services

1256 online medical appointment outline


Implement workforce development plan with a focus on frontline delivery of care leadership.

272 two female avatars outline


Extend development planning framework to enable quality service delivery.

387 check box 2 morph


Evaluate the current resources for service delivery and make recommendation for potential optimisation.

88 document user outline


Digitise client management systems to enhance analysis and create service efficiencies.

981 consultation outline


Deliver training and active review that enhance the capability of software supporting delivery.

Annual General Meeting 2023


Our Leadership Team

Sarah Hillier
Chief Executive Officer
Henare Te Karu
Kath Prins
General Manager Community, Youth and Child Services
Seaneen Mckenzie
General Manager People & Culture
John McManus
General Manager Health and Ability Services
Warren Murphy
General Manager Finance and Services Support
George Anderson
General Manager Communications & Marketing
Jason McTague
General Manager Mission Integration

Our Board

Peter Jensen (Chair)
Tim Burns (Deputy Chair)
Tim Sissons
Grahame Coles
MBus, PGDip Mgmt
Stella Ward
Jackie Crampton