Highlights from Our Year
nights of residential care to 145 people with a physical or neurological disability.
vulnerable young parents supported through 33 young parent education groups.
young people received counselling and 201 young people received social work support.
social housing project implemented providing accommodation and wrap-around support services to clients across five tenancies.
rehabilitation and therapy hours delivered at the Granada Centre for neuro-rehabilitation.
hours of early childhood education at Little Owls Preschool.
Contract Awarded
to Community, Youth and Child Services for the three-year Department of Corrections Mauri Toa Rangatahi youth offender programme.
Coordinated Catholic Ministries Hui
bringing together 15 health and social service providers in the Diocese of Christchurch.
Three-year certification
with the Ministry of Health for Health and Ability Services nationally.
Purchase of 36-room St John of God Karori
property as part of our service provision strategy for the Wellington Region.
Renewed funding
arrangements with the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Social Development, Ministry of Education as well as District Health Boards.
Message from our CEO
Tēnā koutou katoa
The key goals of our organisation drive us to deliver more services to more people in need, to become a centre of excellence in the Health and Ability and Social Services sectors, to become a more self-reliant and sustainable organisation and to have a national voice with influence in policy and decision making. I am pleased to report that St John of God Hauora Trust has made considerable progress towards realising these goals in the 2016 financial year. Highlights for the year, and particular cause for celebration from my perspective, have been:
- Our ongoing drive to better meet the needs of some of New Zealand’s most vulnerable people;
- Excellent audit results across the entire organisation;
- Achievement of our overall budget target;
- Completion of a significant policies and resources project;
- Significant expansions of our marketing activities and the resulting digital and social media presence;
- Expansion of service delivery at Community, Youth and Child Services (HOPE Project, Department of Corrections and Ministry of Social Development programmes) consistent with our Mission;
- Dramatic reductions in excess leave balances;
- Strategically important developments such as Pampuri House, St John of God Karori seismic strengthening and refurbishment, a Wellington Community Home, and the Information Communications and Technology Project have all moved forward satisfactorily; and
- We contributed to two very effective and collaborative Collective Employment Agreement negotiations.
There are numerous challenges to address in the 2017 financial year, but I embrace them with enthusiasm; confident that our organisation has in place the necessary people, processes and resources.
Our organisational performance is only made possible by individuals performing well collectively and I thank all of our caregivers for their efforts. I am also extremely grateful to our funders for their ongoing contributions to enable us to address identified need in communities throughout New Zealand.
Finally, I would also like to express my gratitude to the many clients and residents who trust us to provide them with high quality services that help them to thrive and grow.
This year we launch our first digital annual report, and we welcome feedback on this project as we continue to help highlight the work that our Mission and shared Values inspire us to deliver.
Nga mihi na, Steve
From our Board Chair
This year our collective Mission has seen St John of God Hauora Trust do more to inspire hope and growth in people. Young mothers, marginalised youth, and people living with challenging disabilities are all living fuller and more enriching lives because of the smart and dedicated work our caregivers bring to bear each day.
This success rests upon commitment to the right strategy, excellence in the delivery of care and services, and a vision to see where we can meet additional need in our communities.
The highlight of the year for me was the purchase of St John of God Karori and the blessing of this home for our residents by HE Cardinal John A Dew DD. Owning our own property is a significant advancement in the record of our organisation, evidence of successful strategy and quality leadership that over a number of years is now bearing fruit.
This year our developments also rest upon an outstanding level of quality across the organisation. Outstanding Audit results, ongoing service delivery improvements and procedural outcomes like those achieved by Little Owls, are all evidence of this quality of management.
I would like to acknowledge and thank the commitment of retiring Board members Pauline Barnett and Moana-O-Hinerangi for their service and the calibre of oversight they brought to our Governance. We also welcome Tim Burns to the Board this year who brings extensive governance and senior management experience in the health services, social services and the wider community voluntary sector.
Thanks to Steve Berry and his excellent management team. The results of their work in this last Financial Year stand on record, and I look forward to our further drive to do more for people throughout New Zealand.
I am proud to maintain this important appointment for an organisation that does so much good in our communities.
Financial Overview
Summary Financial Statements for the Year Ended 30 June 2016
Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income
2016 | 2015 | |
$'000 | $'000 | |
Revenue from exchange transactions | ||
Health and Ability Services revenue and service fees | 10,809 | 10,282 |
Grants and subsidies | 2,312 | 2,323 |
Donation from St John of God Health Care Inc | 1,483 | 0 |
Other operating revenue | 347 | 221 |
14,950 | 122,826 | |
Revenue from non-exchange transactions (donations) | 105 | 158 |
Total revenue | 15,055 | 12,985 |
Expenses | ||
Remuneration of personnel and contractors | 9,837 | 9,243 |
Other operating costs | 2,201 | 2,803 |
Administration and support costs | 1,066 | 918 |
Total expenses | 13,104 | 12,964 |
EBITDA | 1,952 | 21 |
Net Interest | 47 | (97) |
Depreciation | 331 | 230 |
Operating surplus / (deficit) | 1,574 | (112) |
Consolidated Statement of Financial Position
2016 | 2015 | |
$'000 | $'000 | |
Current assets | ||
Cash, cash equivalents and bank deposits | 1,693 | 2,552 |
Other | 739 | 768 |
Total current assets | 2,432 | 3,320 |
Non-current assets | 5,254 | 1,180 |
Total assets | 7,686 | 4,500 |
Current liabilities | 2,052 | 2,400 |
Non-current liabilities | 1,961 | 0 |
Total liabilities | 4,013 | 2,400 |
Trust equity | ||
Retained surpluses |
3,673 | 2,100 |
Total equity attributable to the trust | 3,673 | 2,100 |
Summary Statement of Movements in Equity
2016 | 2015 | |
$'000 | $'000 | |
Equity at beginning of year | 2,100 | 2,212 |
Operating surplus / (deficit) for the year | 1,573 | (112) |
Equity at end of year | 3,673 | 2,100 |
Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows
2016 | 2015 | |
$'000 | $'000 | |
Net Cash Inflows from operating activities | 1,233 | 664 |
Net Cash Outflows from investing activities | (4,407) | (545) |
Net Cashflow (used in) /from financing activities | 2,315 | 2 |
Net increase / (decrease) in cash, cash equivalents | (859) | 121 |
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year | 2,552 | 2,431 |
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year | 1,693 | 2,552 |
Notes to the Summary Financial Statements
Read the Audited Financial Statements
Unqualified Audit Opinion Regarding Summary Financial Statements
Snapshots of Our Care this Year
Funding at work

Our Leadership Team

Our Board