Annual Report
July 2016 - June 2017

"The caring support has definitely boosted my self esteem as a mother having a safe and warm home for my family and I to live in comfortably with affordable rent and excellent help if anything goes wrong. I truly feel at home for the first time in a very long time."

     HOPE Social Housing Project Participant

2017 Highlights

Community, Youth and Child Services


Vulnerable young parents supported at St John of God Waipuna through 16 young parent education groups.


Young people who have offended supported via our Adventure Therapy partnership with the Department of Corrections.


Youth at risk supported in new collaborative Adventure Therapy and Health and Wellbeing programme to 14 groups from eight schools.


Young people received counselling and 124 young people received social work support.


Young women at risk supported via our Mana Wahine Adventure Therapy Group.


Mellow Parenting Programme to 14 weeks following securing parental attachment programme and intervention support contract with the Ministry of Social Development.


Commenced with Plunket to deliver pregnancy and parenting education to young parents in partnership.


Health and Ability Services


Days of residential care to people living with a physical or neurological disability.


Hours of rehabilitation and therapy delivered at the Granada Centre, our Neurological Rehabilitation Centre of Excellence.


Pampuri House our six room transitional living facility at St John of God Halswell.


Community partnership with MenzShed at St John of God Halswell increasing community interaction and engagement.


Approval confirmed to commence the $2m seismic strengthening and refurbishment programme at St John of God Karori.

Organisation-wide Highlights


Caregivers providing support to families and communities in New Zealand.


Organisation-wide roll-out of integrated roster and payroll system.


Implementation of Ministry of Health pay equity settlement for workers in aged and disability residential care and home and community support services.

Message from our CEO

In a typical Annual Report we discuss our financial and operational performance as well as projects and objectives for the year ahead. That is important, however this year I choose to reflect on two experiences that particularly stayed with me. One memory that stands out was the funeral of Donald Campbell, one of our much loved residents.

Donald lived with us for 22 years. He was defined less by his disabilities which were significant but more by his kind, gentle and polite qualities. He had strong principles with a very clear sense of right from wrong and was at his very happiest when helping others.

At Donald’s funeral many of the elements that make me proud to work for St John of God Hauora Trust were on display. We heard how grateful Donald was for the care he had received from us over the years. We heard how he viewed our Halswell service as his home. We heard how when he became ill, our caregivers cared for him so well. We heard how, when Donald finally had to go to hospital and was deteriorating, our Pastoral Care Coordinator stayed with him and provided him with comfort throughout. Donald wanted his funeral to be held at Halswell and we were happy to grant his wish. The Barcelona room was packed and people spilled into the corridors. Many of the mourners were SJGHT caregivers. People laughed, cried, prayed and sang. It became apparent to me that Donald was lucky to have us in his life and we were lucky to have Donald in our lives.


Another experience from last year particularly stayed with me. At our Annual Gala Dinner and Charity Auction, a young woman called Lauren spoke eloquently to a large group of our supporters. She received rousing applause after she compellingly described her journey from being a stressed, unconfident, scared teenage mother to being an upbeat, confident caring Mum with opportunities for study and further personal development. Lauren can be proud of her success and I know our caregivers at St John of God Waipuna feel privileged to have shared in that journey.

Last year, in this forum I wrote that there “are numerous challenges to address in the 2017 financial year, but I embrace them with enthusiasm; confident that our organisation has in place the necessary people, processes and resources.” I am pleased to say that my confidence was not misplaced. Our organisation performed well. Our measures showed we had provided high quality care across numerous service delivery lines. We acted as good stewards and made a surplus that is to be re-invested in our people processes and systems.

In the 2018 Financial Year we can look forward to further facility development, improvements in the degree to which we deliver standardised, best-practice services and of course continued high quality service delivery to vulnerable New Zealanders.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank our caregivers, our clients, our funders and supporters for making it possible for us to do the work we do.

Nga mihi nui,
Steve Berry

From Our Board Chair

Kia ora koutou katoa. Our role in providing guidance and stewardship for an organisation like ours is substantial – one that we assume with great care.  However it should only take a conversation with any one of our caregivers to be reassured of the simplicity of our mission.

The 271 people in New Zealand who work collaboratively and with commitment to Mission and Values are the true treasure or taonga of our service. We see our role in the Board as supporting each individual’s skills and capacity to deliver upon need in our communities, as we work to continue the healing mission of Jesus Christ.

Our founder, born João Duarte Cidade and canonised as St John of God, shone a light of service for vulnerable people that has illuminated a path for countless people for more than 500 years.  As we walk forward on this path together we take heed of his call to continually do better for people in need.

I am proud that the quality of care that we deliver is being set and maintained at such a high level.  Our audit processes across Health and Ability Services and Community, Youth and Child Services give us ongoing confidence in promoting our work at the highest levels of the community and government, including the most vulnerable in society.

We are also proud that our services continue to work creatively and in partnership with others, to extend and improve care so that the person remains at the very centre of our approach.
I would like to acknowledge Steve Berry and his team for their exceptional leadership of the organisation; the board for their support, wisdom and guidance; our residents and clients who we serve and give us purpose; our wonderful committed caregivers and all who support us.  Thank you in responding to our Mission and your ongoing support for and commitment to our work.

Ngā mihi maioha,


Bevan Killick
Board Chair, St John of God Hauora Trust

Bevan Killick and Andy Doherty, General Manager of the Diocese of Christchurch, at the opening of Pampuri House.

Community, Youth and Child Services caregivers
Progress towards completion

Financial Overview

Summary Financial Statements for the Year Ended 30 June 2017

Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income
  $'000 $'000
Revenue from exchange transactions       
Health and Ability Services revenue and service fees 11,319 10,809
Grants and subsidies 2,164 2,312
Donation from St John of God Health Care Inc 0 1,483
Other operating revenue 358 347
  13,841 14,950
Revenue from non-exchange transactions (donations) 14 105
Total revenue 13,855 15,055
Remuneration of personnel and contractors 10,034 9,837
Other operating costs 2,002 2,201
Administration and support costs 1, 086 1,066
Total expenses 13,122 13,104
EBITDA 733 1,951
Net Interest 64 47
Depreciation 399 331
Operating surplus / (deficit) 270 1,573

 Consolidated Statement of Financial Position
  $'000 $'000
Current assets    
Cash, cash equivalents and bank deposits 1,784 1,693
Other 800 739
Total current assets 2,584 2,432
Non-current assets 5,561 5,254
Total assets 8,145 7,686
Current liabilities 2,249 2,052
Non-current liabilities 1,953 1,961
Total liabilities 4,202 4,013
Trust equity    
Retained surpluses
3,943 3,673
Total equity attributable to the trust 3,943 3,673


 Summary Statement of Movements in Equity
  $'000 $'000
Equity at beginning of year 3,673 2,100
Operating surplus / (deficit) for the year 270 1,573
Equity at end of year 3,943 3,673


 Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows
  $'000 $'000
Net Cash Inflows from operating activities 834 1,233
Net Cash Outflows from investing activities -701 -4,407
Net Cashflow (used in) /from financing activities -42 2,315
Net increase / (decrease) in cash, cash equivalents 91 -859
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 1,693 2,552
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 1,784 1,693


Notes to the Summary Financial Statements

 Read the Audited Financial Statements

Unqualified Audit Opinion Regarding Summary Financial Statements


Equity value has increased in 2015/16 due to the donation from St John of God Health Care Inc for the St John of God Karori purchase. The Equity percentage of Total Assets is constant at just below 50%.

Total Assets

The St John of God Karori acquistion in 2015/16 for $3.81 Million significantly increased the value of Total Assets.  

Year in Review

St John of God Hauora Trust provides supportive and person-centred care to people living with a disability as well as vulnerable children, young people and families through our Health and Ability Services and Community, Youth and Child Services divisions.

Community, Youth and Child Services

Sarah Williams, Southern Regional Manager
This year our service has delivered upon increasingly complex community need, continuing to improve quality, scope and outcome standards. I am proud to remain the manager of a service that works creat...

Health and Ability Services Southern

Virginia Spoors, Southern Regional Manager
Our model of care ‘My Life‘ continues to evolve and now drives our service as we empower individuals , teams and our community to support the people we care for and to live a life that exceeds their e...

Health and Ability Services Northern

Stewart Clark, Northern Regional Manager
As I reflect on my first year in this role, one thing that has struck me has been the conversations with residents and their families. 

National Manager Mission Review

Joanne Hope, National Manager Mission
We are an organisation very focused on the quality of care we provide in the present and ensuring excellence into the future. The past has a lot to teach us about who we are and what we are to do in t...

St John of God Health Care

Annual Report 2016-17
St John of God Health Care is a leading provider of high quality health care services that include hospitals, home nursing, disability and outreach services throughout Australia, New Zealand and the A...

Snapshots of Our Care this Year

Challenging Rangatahi towards Growth
St John of God Hauora Trust has worked in partnership with the Department of Corrections to guide young people who have ...
Opening Pathways for Young Parents
Our ongoing programme delivery in partnership with the Ministry of Social Development.
Fulfilling, engaging lives for all people
Our ongoing delivery of residential and rehabilitation services for people living with physical and neurological disabil...
Gala Dinner Supporters
Thank you to the incredible organisations and individuals who supported our Annual Gala Dinner.

We also give thanks to other supporters and donors to our service:

Lindsay and Marilyn Welch

Mike Pero Real Estate Cashmere

Community Organisation Grants Scheme

The Rehabilitation Welfare Trust

Caritas New Zealand

Twigger Estate

The Estate of S Abbott

Chris Gallagher

Department of Internal Affairs

The Ministry of Education

The Norris Family

The Little Company of Mary

The Catholic Women's League

The Estate of S Abbott

The Estate of J Stanton

Turner Family Estate

Estate of D Campbell

Deborah Moore Estate


And we would also like to acknowledge the partnerships that help us collectively meet need in our communities:

Aviva, Archbishop of Wellington Cardinal John A Dew DD and The Archdiocese of Wellington, Br Kevin Lawson O.H., Br Steven Coakley O.H., The Diocese of Christchurch, Burwood Hospital Spinal Unit and Brain Injury Rehabilitation Service, Plunket NZ, Capital Mobility, Capital Support, the Department of Corrections, Enable New Zealand, the Halswell MenzShed, the Hospitaller Order of the Brothers of St John of God, Karori Anglican Church, Karori West Normal School, LifeLinks, Life Unlimited, The Nathaniel Centre, NZ Nurses Organisation, National Union of Public Employees, OCP, Odyssey House, Sisters of Mercy, Taylor Shaw Barristers and Solicitors, the University of Canterbury, The University of Otago, VFL Finance, Whitireia NZ, the Yunus Social Business Centre.


The Year Ahead

Residential Care Pathway

Health and Ability Services
Implement Residential Care Pathway programme at Health and Ability Services.

Karori strengthening and refurbishment

Health and Ability Services
Commence NZD $2m seismic strengthening and refurbishment programme at 36 room St John of God Karori facility.

Preparation to meet Community Need

Community, Youth and Child Services
Evaluate feasibility of further regional service delivery expansion for Community, Youth and Child Services.

Quality & Case Management System

Health and Ability Services
Implement new Quality Management System to improve client care at Health and Ability Services and pilot Penelope Case Management System.

Pae Ora Plan & Bicultural Development

Organisation wide
Implement Pae Ora Plan supporting the implementation of our Māori Health Plan and the principles of the Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

Social Enterprise Development

Organisation wide
Establish feasibility of Social Enterprise models to drive innovation in funding and service delivery.

Health and Safety Management

Health and Ability Services
Preparation for implementation of Group Health and Safety modules.

Community Home in Wellington

Health and Ability Services Northern
Continue investigation of suitable community home in the Wellington Region

Our Leadership Team

Sarah Hillier
Chief Executive Officer
Henare Te Karu
Kath Prins
General Manager Community, Youth and Child Services
Sinéad Gilgunn
General Manager Mission Integration
Seaneen Mckenzie
General Manager People & Culture
John McManus
General Manager Health and Ability Services
Warren Murphy
General Manager Finance and Services Support
George Anderson
General Manager Communications & Marketing

Our Trustees

Peter Jensen (Chair)
Tim Burns (Deputy Chair)
Tim Sissons
Grahame Coles
MBus, PGDip Mgmt
Stella Ward