Annual Report
July 2021 - June 2022

Waka is one of many techniques our people employ in the service of adventure-based therapy support for rangatahi.


668 sleeping in bed sleepy outline 1 v2


Nights of residential care for people living with physical and neurological disabilities in Wellington and Canterbury.

436 love care outline


Transitional Rehabilitation Care clients living with neurological disability or spinal injury.

1651 neighbourhood outline


Activities Team delivered in-house (403) activity sessions and community outings (105).

651 disabled person outline


Physiotherapy sessions supporting residential and community-based clients.

981 consultation outline


Occupational Therapy and Speech and Language Therapy sessions.

1025 request support service outline


Client contacts for the 436 young people who received mental health counselling for needs including alcohol and drugs, eating disorders, depression and anxiety.

1307 hub network outline


Young people received group support including Eating Awareness, brief intervention adventure therapy and Alcohol and Other Drug groups.

1529 parenting parents family outline


Young parents received individual social work support.

1069 lullaby music outline v2


Pregnancy and parenting education (10 week) groups delivered supporting 75 young parents and their families.

952 business network outline


Young parents engaged with our attachment, parenting, and connection groups.

1131 owl outline


Tamariki learners at early learning service Little Owls Preschool (64,406 hours of booked care).

112 book morph outline


Hours of free Early Childhood Education subsidised by Little Owls to families living in deprived communities.

402 legal balance legal outline 1


Reintegration Team supported young people who have offended in partnership programme with Ara Poutama.

88 document user outline


Rangatahi supported in their reintegration journey in the Rangatahi Tumanako prosocial mentoring programme.

272 two female avatars outline


Young women at risk supported through the Adventurous Whānau Adventure Therapy programme.

24 approved checked outline


St John of God Hauora Trust Strategic Plan 2021-25 developed and implemented, increasing our focus on delivering service excellence for the people we support.

24 approved checked outline


Organisational Redesign 2022 implemented, delivering additional capabilities and supports to enable frontline service delivery and improve quality.

24 approved checked outline


Board of Trustees approved plan to develop the $8.7M 24-room Lucena development at St John of God Halswell.

CEO Review 2022

Kia ora koutou,

This year has once again been extraordinary as we continued to navigate the pandemic and its complexities, the legislation changes to keep our communities safe, and the global and national workforce shortages for Registered and Enrolled Nurses. In times of challenge, people and communities are capable of remarkable things, and our people have continued to deliver our unique and high-quality services in these challenging times. I am privileged to lead this organisation of more than 300 passionate and committed caregivers.

Saint John of God also lived through extraordinary times, his response to the call provides us with the legacy of our shared values that guide our work. His life offers us a model of how we can support those most vulnerable in society, and his dedication and passion continue to provide us with the motivation to strive to be the very best we can for the people and communities we support.

I continue to be humbled by the trust that our clients and residents place in us. Through our work we aim to walk alongside people towards growth and development. The pandemic has underscored for me the importance of the relationship we foster with the people we support and their whānau, and how those relationships support us to respond to individual need and continually seek to exceed expectations.

The 2021-25 strategic plan is now fully embedded in our operations across the organisation. In the first full year in delivering on the new strategy, and despite the challenges of the pandemic, our collective efforts have well and truly put us on track to meet our objectives.  

During the year, we implemented an Organisational Redesign, which was designed to ensure that the organisation is well placed to meet demand for the future growth that we know is coming. We have new specialisations that will facilitate our ability to increase the resilience and robust delivery that we know is needed. Our Health and Ability Services has grown to facilitate an improved focus on quality, and the way in which we support our residents in their lifestyle goals.




This year more than ever, we remain grateful to our funding partners who facilitate our ability to support people. We also acknowledge the vital support in the last year from the emergency staffing pool of Te Whatu Ora. I am proud of the way that our people continue to build engagement and trust through the delivery of our contracted services, ranging from our partnership with Ara Poutama, our collaboration with the Ministry of Social Development He Poutama Rangatahi fund, and our collaborations with ACC, Te Whatu Ora, the Ministry of Education, and Oranga Tamariki.

We also acknowledge those philanthropic partners who continue to see the strong investment that our service represents. We are grateful to the trustees and staff of the Rātā Foundation, Te Rangatahi Tumanako Trust, the Hoatu Fund and others for their vision in investing in the people and communities we support.

The year ahead is full of potential as we emerge from the height of pandemic challenges. I would like to sincerely thank you for your effort, thought and engagement in supporting our shared Mission.


He aha te mea nui o te ao?
He tangata, he tangata, he tangata.

What is the most important thing in the world?
It is the people, it is the people, it is the people.

Ngā mihi mahana,


Message from our Board Chair

The Board of Trustees continue to hold great regard for the work our caregivers carry out each day in a range of communities and settings. In this challenging climate for many New Zealanders, our unique services only continue to elevate the value they represent.

In this year, our people have felt the hardest impact of the pandemic. They have been called on to manage Covid directly in our residential care services, and in many other ways, such as working creatively to support clients in challenging circumstances.

These challenges only serve to underscore the stewardship of resources that continues to see our organisation thrive and ensures our future sustainability.

This year sees the influence of Sarah Hillier’s leadership continue to accelerate, with an embedded and integrated strategic plan, successful organisational redesign programme, and continued gains in our financial sustainability. This momentum affords us the ability to reinvest in our people, and to enact projects that allow us to expand the scope of our work.

A pivotal project in this financial year has been the approval of the $8.9m Lucena development in partnership with St John of God Health Care. This 24-room development unlocks important potential in our residential and rehabilitation care services, as well as signals our maturity and development as a health service provider.

 I would like to acknowledge the dedicated work of all the Trustees who support the great work of our team, particularly the service of Dr Kristin Good, who concluded her time this year and brought such depth and expertise to guide our clinical governance group. In this year we are also fortunate to welcome Lisa Evans as a Trustee. Lisa brings rich experience as CEO of St John of God Accord and Group Director of Community Services for St John of God Health Care. Lisa joins Steve Goldsworthy as a Trustee representative of our parent organisation, and we are privileged to continue to strengthen this important relationship.


Rangatahi engaging in adventure activities at Kura Tawhiti

Rangatahi clients regularly engage in adventure activities at Kura Tawhiti

We are also fortunate in the appointment of Bishop Michael Gielen this year in the Diocese of Christchurch. The support of funds managed by the Diocese, alongside other core philanthropic supporters like the Rātā Foundation, continue to underpin our capacity to achieve growth and development for young people.

In his message to young people this year for World Youth Day, Pope Francis reflected the example of the Annunciation of Mary, in providing us a way forward in these troubling times.

As we emerge from the pandemic into new territory, may we all follow our instincts and drive to see and serve the need in others, particularly those most vulnerable in our communities.

My heartfelt thanks to all of the SJGHT team. I have huge admiration for the dedication and genuine care you all bring to your work every day to support our residents, clients, whanau, and your teammates.

Ngā mihi,



“The haste of the young woman of Nazareth is the haste of those who have received extraordinary gifts from the Lord and feel compelled to share them, to let the immense grace that they have experienced be poured out upon others. It is the haste of those capable of putting other people’s needs above their own.”


Our People | Dan Eastwood

Dan Eastwood is the Manager of Community Development at St John of God Waipuna. Our Community Development team deliver a range of services that support vulnerable and at risk rangatahi in Waitaha, as well as journeying alongside young people who have offended in partnership with Ara Poutama. 

The Reintegration Team over time has worked to deliver ongoing prosocial maintenance support in the client journey towards growth, education and employment. Known as the Rangatahi Tumanako Group, that extended support is delivered with the support of Te Rangatahi Tumanako Trust, and the MSD operated He Poutama Rangatahi Fund.

Hear Dan talking about our work in journeying alongside young people towards growth and development here.

Our People | Jack Haughton

Jack Haughton is Manager of Rehabilitation and Therapy for Health and Ability Services. Our team at The Granada Centre provide Transitional Rehabilitation support to people in their journey towards their community living goals.

The team support people who may have experienced a brain or spinal injury, and have entered our support after an initial six month term at Burwood Hospital or their rehabilitation units. The multi-disciplinary care team work to meet individual need and support residents as they find their new way forward.

Listen to Jack talk about our work in Transitional Rehabilitation at The Granada Centre here.

Financial Overview

Financial Statements for the Year Ended 30 June 2022

Statement of Comprehensive Income
  2022 2021
  $'000 $'000
Revenue from exchange transactions 20,685 19,723
Accommodation and service fees 16,822 15,876
Government grants and subsidies 3,178 3,179
Other grants and subsidies 153 307
Other operating revenue 521 361
Revenue from non-exchange transactions 311 5
Donations 311 5
Total revenue 20,996 19,728
Expenses 18,860 17,802
Employee costs and contract remuneration 14,886 14,136
Supply costs 1,303 1,168
Other operating expenses 1,024 993
Centralised support and service costs 1,597 1,455
Board expenses 50 50
EBITDA 2,136 1,926
Interest income (17) (11)
Interest expense 119 113
Net Interest 102 102
Depreciation owned assets 528 504
Depreciation leased assets 117 135
Operating surplus 1,389 1,185

 Statement of Financial Position
  2022 2021
  $'000 $'000
Current assets 4,837 3,237
Cash and cash equivalents 1,854 684
Cash held on behalf of residents 225 190
Bank deposits 1,256 847
Sundry debtors and other receivables 1,460 1,478
Inventories 42 38
Non-current assets 8,630 8,465
Property, plant and equipment 7,975 8,015
Work in progress 192 219
Leased assets 446 213
Investment in shares in co-operative supplier 17 18
Total assets 13,467 11,702
Current liabilities 3,045 2,752
Trade payables and accruals 1,331 1,220
Residents' funds 225 190
Employee benefit liabilities 1,197 1,061
Grants held for future or other specific purposes 57 37
Bank loan 151 161
Lease liability 84 83
Non-current liabilities 3,006 2,923
Bank Loan 2,384 2,533
Lease liability 363 131
Loan from St John of God Health Care Inc 259 259
Total liabilities 6,051 5,675
Trust equity 7,416 6,027
Retained surpluses 7,416 6,027
 Statement of Movements in Equity
  2022 2021
  $'000 $'000
Equity at beginning of year 6,027 4,842
Operating surplus / (deficit) for the year 1,389 1,185
Equity at end of year 7,416 6,027

Statement of Cash Flows
  2022 2021
  $'000 $'000
Cash from Operations 2,349 1,205
Surplus(Deficit) 1,389 1,185
Depreciation and amortisation 646 639
Changes in working capital    
Accounts receivable 38 (920)
Prepayment (21) 0
Inventories (4) 6
Trade payables and accruals 166 331
Goods and Services Tax (20) 4
Employee benefit liabilities 135 10
Grants for future or specific purposes 20 (50)
Cash from Investing (811) (635)
Capital expenditures (811) (635)
Cash from Financing 75 (289)
Bank loan (160) (158)
Lease liability 235 (131)
Total change in cash 1,613 281
Ending cash balance 3,335 1,721
Beginning cash balance 1,722 1,440
Total change in cash 1,613 281


 Read the Audited Financial Statements

Total Revenue

Operating Surplus

Total Assets

Our Year in Care

Our Mission is to continue the healing mission of Jesus, supporting some of the most vulnerable people in our communities. Our five core values of Manaakitanga, Aroha, Whakaute, Tika and Hiranga continue to shape our workforce and the way we collaborate to support the people we work alongside every day.

 Values Icon Text Manaakitanga2  Values Icon Text Aroha2  Values Icon Text Whakaute  Values Icon Text Tika2  Values Icon Text Hiranga


Building Connected Communities

Our year in facilitating growth and community connections for the rangatahi we walk alongside.

Enabling Great Lives

Fulfilling the My Life Model of Care to support engaged and enabling lives for people living with disability.

Living Our Mission

The Pastoral Care delivered through our interactions with the people and communities that we support.

Our People | Danielle Marra

Danielle is Manager of our Young Parents Development Service. The team support young parents with a range of wrap-around support services tailored to meet individual need.

Hear Danielle talking about our unique range of services and how they support young parents in their journey towards growth and development. 

People we Support | Billie's Story

Billie worked with the Young Parents Development team at St John of God Waipuna in her parenting journey. In her time working with the team at Waipuna, Billie experienced a range of parenting support as well as education services, individual social work, alongside with housing coordination support.

Listen to Billie in conversation with Danielle Marra, Manager of the Young Parents Development service, talking about how our team has supported her to grow and what lies ahead in her development and for her family.

Acknowledging our Funders

We would like to thank and acknowledge our key funding partners of our Health and Ability Services division.


We would like to acknowledge the contribution of the funders of our service at St John of God Waipuna. In collaboration with our grant and philanthropic funding, your support is vital to our capacity to support young people to achieve growth and development.

Kia manawanui,

Te Whatu Ora Waitaha

  Te Whatu Ora


 ACC logo 


Manatu Hauora


Department of Corrections



Ministry of Education


Thank you to the grant funders, philanthropic supporters and donors who so greatly contribute to the support we deliver

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TTF logo RGB
Te Rangatahi
Tumanako Trust
CCC transparent

Lottery Grants

Maurice Carter 
Charitable Trust
Farina Thompson
Charitable Trust 

Thank you to the generous bequest contributions from estate's of those we have supported

 Estate of
Ena Gillespie
Estate of
Helen Alexander
Peg Jones
Family Trust


People we Support | Tyler


Tyler is a resident living in one of our residential care services. Our Health and Ability Services division supports people living with a range of physical and neurological disability in Canterbury and Wellington.

Listen to Tyler in conversation with Jack Haughton, Manager of Rehabilitation and Therapy, talk about his life at St John of God Halswell and how our people support him in his goals and aspirations of living an enriching and fulfilling life.

The Year Ahead

731 real estate building project outline


Commence construction of the 24-room, $8.9m NZD Lucena development, increasing capacity at St John of God Halswell to 84 rooms.

456 handshake deal outline

Granada Centre

Raise the profile of The Granada Centre for Transitional Rehabilitation to meet demand for residential and community-based support.

1368 best seller outline


Implement Total Rewards recruitment and retention project to increase the resilience of our services.

1827 growing plant outline


Establish Cultural Advisor position that will support our bicultural commitment and commitment to the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi, and achieving hauora (health and wellbeing) for Maori and Pasifika clients, residents and communities.

1651 neighbourhood outline 1


Commence HOPE programme that will support young parents at the 7-unit Pavitt St social housing development in partnership with the Society of St Vincent de Paul.

1256 online medical appointment outline


Implement Quality & Practice Manager position and a client management system for Health and Ability Services.

Our Trustees

Peter Jensen (Chair)
Tim Burns (Deputy Chair)
Tim Sissons
Grahame Coles
MBus, PGDip Mgmt
Stella Ward

Our Leadership Team

Sarah Hillier
Chief Executive Officer
Henare Te Karu
Kath Prins
General Manager Community, Youth and Child Services
Sinéad Gilgunn
General Manager Mission Integration
Seaneen Mckenzie
General Manager People & Culture
John McManus
General Manager Health and Ability Services
Warren Murphy
General Manager Finance and Services Support
George Anderson
General Manager Communications & Marketing