Nights of residential care for people living with physical and neurological disabilities in Wellington (15,557) and Canterbury (31,438).

Delivered Supported Independent Living for 9 clients, facilitating the transition to independent living.
Delivered residential Transitional Rehabilitation Care to 38 clients with brain or spinal injuries at The Granada Centre.
Activities Team delivered 447 in-house activity sessions and 167 community outings.
Delivered 1346 outpatient therapy and resident physiotherapy sessions to support residents.
Delivered 441 resident Occupational Therapy and 242 resident Speech and Language Therapy sessions.
Delivered 2079 nights of care for people living with pressure injuries in partnership with Burwood Spinal Unit and ACC.
Young people received mental health counselling for a range of needs including alcohol and drugs, eating disorders, depression and anxiety.
Young parents received individual social work support.
Young women at risk supported through the Mana Wahine Adventure Therapy programme.

Young parents supported in a range of pregnancy and parenting education courses and groups.
Supported 76 tamariki and their whānau at Little Owls Preschool.
Youth at risk completed the collaborative Adventure Therapy and Health and Wellbeing programme provided to eight schools.
Implementation of Mana Ake – mental health in primary schools programme, assessed by ImpactLab as generating $13 in social value for each dollar invested.
The Reintegration Team supported 56 young people who have offended in prison-based and community-based programmes in partnership with Ara Poutama (Department of Corrections).
Supported 35 young parents and their children in the HOPE social housing project providing accommodation and wrap-around support services.
Rangatahi worked alongside in their reintegration journey in the Rangatahi Tumanako prosocial and mentoring programme.
CEO Review
This year, it was an honour and absolute privilege to accept the appointment of Chief Executive Officer of St John of God Hauora Trust. As Regional Manager of our Community, Youth and Child Services since 2014, I have always felt a strong connection to our shared Mission and Values, and the skilled professionals who continually evolve to meet the needs of young people. I am enthusiastic and excited about our future, and the impact our people will have on the community in the coming years.
Our first priority is the establishment of the Strategic Plan 2021-25. This plan guides our pathway and action towards serving the people we support better, and further raising the standard of the excellent support we already deliver.
During this year we have already taken important steps to improve our service. The St John of God Karori Internal Review has provided the catalyst to embed the My Life Model of Care at the facility to make it a great place to live and work. Our Southern team has contributed greatly to the transformation. The Southern service has had a stellar year under increased challenges within the sector.
Amidst the complex environment of Community, Youth and Child Services, we have continued to evolve our strong partnership approach with Ara Poutama (Department of Corrections). We continue our important work of supporting young parents in their journey towards growth and development. Our service continues to be there to support the mental health and wellbeing of young people through our customised counselling and support services, and is continually adapting different ways to engage with young people at the time they most need support.
This has also been an outstanding year for our early childhood education service Little Owls. Complete centre refurbishment, ongoing improvements to the quality learning programme and professional development, has resulted in a service of which we are all immensely proud. We all know the lifelong benefits of quality early learning, and our continued development of this service is a vital element of our work.
In addition, this year we continued to evolve our collaborative approach with the funding agencies and philanthropic organisations that support us. I would like to acknowledge all of the people representing these agencies, that are committed to improving life and wellbeing for our clients and residents through the generous donations and grants awarded this year.
I would also like to sincerely acknowledge our team of more than 300 caregivers. Each of you show passion and commitment in your care and support of our residents and clients, bringing your vital skills and experience to bear in our collective endeavour. I look forward to working alongside you all as we realise our shared Vision.
Nga mihi mahana,
Message from our Board Chair
This year the organisation accomplished a number of important objectives as we continued our focus on delivering outstanding levels of care for the people we support.
The appointment of Sarah Williams as Chief Executive Officer was an important development, after her performance as Acting CEO revealed the qualities that had made her such a an impressive leader at the helm of Community, Youth and Child Services. Since her appointment as CEO in June 2021, the Board has continued to be impressed with Sarah’s leadership, as she, along with the Leadership team, has focused on improving operations and progressing important projects.
I would take the opportunity to again acknowledge the outstanding contribution that Steve Berry made to St John of God Hauora Trust during his tenure as CEO. Steve was able to make a real difference to operational performance and there is no doubt he left the organisation in better shape than when he joined us.
Rob Wise retired from his executive role with St John of God Healthcare at the end of June and therefore stepped down as their representative on the SJGHT board. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 Rob was never able to visit us, however this did not stop him making a real difference to our board and for this we thank him and wish him well in his retirement. I am delighted to welcome Steve Goldsworthy, Group Director Finance at SJGHC, to the board as Rob’s replacement.
The collective efforts of all our caregivers, resulted in a pleasing surplus that trends us towards financial sustainability. Our surplus of $1.2m delivers an earnings (EBITDA) to income ratio of 9.8%. This affords us the capability to meet future demand for services and the agility to adapt to evolving community needs.
This year the Board has also approved in principle the case to build the Lucena Unit at St John of God Halswell. Adding 24 rooms will be our most significant capacity expansion in over a decade. Strong demand for our care is reflective of our unique and quality service, the Board is committed to moving this project into action.
When raised up by the support of others, our appreciation and thinking radiates outwards. Pope Francis called our support for those most vulnerable a true sign of health, and central to continuing the healing Mission of Jesus.
I would like to thank you for your empathy in understanding the needs of others, and for your actions in supporting the people and communities in greatest need.
Nga mihi,
Our People
The teams across New Zealand dedicated to supporting the people we work alongside.
Health and Ability Services
Community, Youth and Child Services
Financial Overview
Financial Statements for the Year Ended 30 June 2021
Statement of Comprehensive Income
2021 | 2020 | |
$'000 | $'000 | |
Revenue from exchange transactions | 19,723 | 17,774 |
Accommodation and service fees | 15,876 | 14,506 |
Government grants and subsidies | 3,179 | 2,874 |
Other grants and subsidies | 307 | 142 |
Other operating revenue | 361 | 252 |
Revenue from non-exchange transactions | 5 | 6 |
Donations | 5 | 6 |
Total revenue | 19,728 | 17,780 |
Expenses | 17,802 | 16,819 |
Employee costs and contract remuneration | 14,136 | 13,444 |
Supply costs | 1,168 | 1,104 |
Other operating expenses | 993 | 931 |
Centralised support and service costs | 1,455 | 1,289 |
Board expenses | 50 | 51 |
EBITDA | 1,926 | 961 |
Interest income | (11) | (9) |
Interest expense | 113 | 129 |
Net Interest | 102 | 120 |
Depreciation owned assets | 504 | 428 |
Depreciation leased assets | 135 | 132 |
Operating surplus | 1,185 | 281 |
Statement of Financial Position
2021 | 2020 | |
$'000 | $'000 | |
Assets | ||
Current assets | 3,237 | 2,043 |
Cash and cash equivalents | 684 | 857 |
Cash held on behalf of residents | 190 | 144 |
Bank deposits | 847 | 439 |
Sundry debtors and other receivables | 1,478 | 559 |
Inventories | 38 | 44 |
Non-current assets | 8,465 | 8,470 |
Property, plant and equipment | 8,015 | 5,426 |
Work in progress | 219 | 2,682 |
Leased assets | 213 | 343 |
Investment in shares in co-operative supplier | 18 | 19 |
Total assets | 11,702 | 10,513 |
Liabilities | ||
Current liabilities | 2,752 | 2,500 |
Trade payables and accruals | 1,220 | 933 |
Residents' funds | 190 | 144 |
Employee benefit liabilities | 1,061 | 1,051 |
Grants held for future or other specific purposes | 37 | 87 |
Bank loan | 161 | 154 |
Lease liability | 83 | 131 |
Non-current liabilities | 2,923 | 3,171 |
Bank Loan | 2,533 | 2,698 |
Lease liability | 131 | 214 |
Loan from St John of God Health Care Inc | 259 | 259 |
Total liabilities | 5,675 | 5,671 |
Trust equity | 6,027 | 4,842 |
Retained surpluses | 6,027 | 4,842 |
Statement of Movements in Equity
2021 | 2020 | |
$'000 | $'000 | |
Equity at beginning of year | 4,842 | 4,561 |
Operating surplus / (deficit) for the year | 1,185 | 281 |
Equity at end of year | 6,027 | 4,842 |
Statement of Cash Flows
2021 | 2020 | |
$'000 | $'000 | |
Cash from Operations | 1,205 | 1,180 |
Surplus(Deficit) | 1,185 | 281 |
Depreciation and amortisation | 639 | 561 |
Changes in working capital | ||
Accounts receivable | (920) | 412 |
Inventories | 6 | (14) |
Trade payables and accruals | 331 | (358) |
Goods and Services Tax | 4 | 97 |
Employee benefit liabilities | 10 | 187 |
Grants for future or specific purposes | (50) | 14 |
Cash from Investing | (635) | (1,554) |
Capital expenditures | (635) | (1,554) |
Cash from Financing | (289) | 1,268 |
Bank loan | (158) | 1,336 |
Lease liability | (131) | (68) |
Total change in cash | 281 | 894 |
Ending cash balance | 1,721 | 1,440 |
Beginning cash balance | 1,440 | 546 |
Total change in cash | 281 | 894 |
Total Revenue
Total Assets
Our Year in Care
Our Mission is to continue the healing mission of Jesus, supporting some of the most vulnerable people in our communities. Our five core values of Manaakitanga, Aroha, Whakaute, Tika and Hiranga continue to shape our workforce and the way we collaborate to support the people we work alongside every day.
Achieving Outcomes for Young People
Communities of Health for Rangatahi
Supporting Young Parents towards Growth