Nights of residential care for people living with physical and neurological disabilities in Wellington (14,114) and Canterbury (31,291).
Construction phase of seismic strengthening and reconfiguration project at St John of God Karori resulting in four new rooms and improved care configuration and living environment.
Successful implementation of 1Chart electronic medication management system in the Southern Region, completing this organisation-wide programme.
Implementation of the Clinical Support Governance Group providing additional oversight of quality and clinical service delivery.
Delivered residential Transitional Rehabilitation Care to 39 clients with brain or spinal injuries at The Granada Centre.
Delivered Supported Independent Living for 10 clients, facilitating the transition to independent living.

Activities Team delivered 405 in-house activity sessions and 356 community outings despite the March 2020 Covid-19 lockdown.
Delivered 1540 outpatient therapy and resident physiotherapy sessions to support residents.
Delivered 648 resident Occupational Therapy and 304 resident Speech and Language Therapy sessions.

Pleasing reductions in medication errors, injuries to clients, and injuries to caregivers in the last financial year.
Young people received mental health counselling for a range of needs including alcohol and drugs, eating disorders, depression and anxiety.
Young people received individual social work support.
Young women at risk supported through the Mana Wahine Adventure Therapy programme.

10 pregnancy and parenting education support groups delivered to 166 young parents.
Supported 87 tamariki and their whānau at Little Owls Preschool.
Youth at risk completed the collaborative Adventure Therapy and Health and Wellbeing programme provided to eight schools.
Implementation of Mana Ake – mental health in primary schools programme, assessed by ImpactLab as generating $13 in social value for each dollar invested.
The Reintegration Team supported 98 young people who have offended in prison-based and community-based programmes.
Supported 42 young parents and their children in the HOPE social housing project providing accommodation and wrap-around support services.
Message from our CEO
This year I encountered a story that reinforced my strong belief in our Mission in elevating those most vulnerable in our communities. Hemi and Tane joined Little Owls Pre-school at a challenging time for their whanau – their Dad was serving a six-year prison sentence and their Mum had just had another baby.
Our quality teaching team at the centre employed support at a range of levels. Their observation of signs of developmental delay resulted in a referral to Learning Support (Ministry of Education) for speech and language therapy. They assisted the whanau to access one-on-one support for challenging behaviours which enabled us to continue to help them learn. They worked with Hemi and Tane’s mother to access our Health and Wellbeing team for her own mental health counselling needs whilst her children attended preschool. Throughout the time they were at Little Owls, Hemi and Tane continued to display challenging behaviours requiring intensive support. Our caregivers helped one child gain a diagnosis that entitled him to early intervention therapy and significant support. The teachers developed individual behaviour plans and intensive one-to-one support plans well beyond the scope of most early childhood education providers. The team also worked collaboratively with our social work team to build a more comprehensive understanding of the whanau and their behaviour issues.
Both children have now successfully settled into primary school. For both children this was the result of a long and intensive transition plan in which the Manager Early Childhood Education worked with the Lead Professional, Speech Therapist, Principal, Behaviour Specialist Learning Support, Mum and the children. We supported this family in total for over three years and the children and wider whanau are now doing well. Despite the children’s diagnoses, challenges and socio-economic vulnerabilities, the whanau are thriving.
We know the long-term and lasting impact of early intervention. It is an ethos that threads all our services supporting vulnerable youth and tamariki. For me it is the stories of impact for children like Hemi and Tane that underscore the resilience and determination that it takes as a service to realise social equity, to journey alongside people towards growth and development.
Despite challenges of the coronavirus pandemic, our organisation has had a strong year and I believe we are well positioned to carry on the healing Mission of Jesus Christ into the new year. As CEO charged with ensuring that Mission is achieved, I am thankful for the caregivers who work so hard and I am thankful for the backing we have from our Boards and our communities, in particular the government agencies, philanthropic and not-for-profit groups and volunteers. I also remain humbled by the trust that people and communities continue to have in us, thus our committed to a continuous improvement approach.
Ngā mihi mahana,
Message from our Chair
Our organisation, our people, and the communities we work in have confronted a year like no other. The St John of God Hauora Trust Board again expresses its gratitude for the way our caregivers met these challenges. They displayed resilience, adaptability, and resourcefulness, with the people we care for always front and centre of our decision-making.
The Covid-19 pandemic shed light on the policies and procedures that helped sustain operations and to keep caregivers and residents safe. This event has showcased our capability in responding to emerging public health emergencies and engenders confidence in preparedness for future events. When your systems are tested to the extent that they were during lockdown it always reveals opportunities to fine-tune for future events. I am very pleased that we have embraced these learnings, and with the level of shared learning across the organisation.
The conclusion of the $3m refurbishment programme at St John of God Karori has been another expression of the resilience of our teams. Residents and caregivers faced challenging conditions during the building programme. The Karori team managed to maintain a real sense of home for our residents alongside ensuring our high standards of care were not compromised. I would like to acknowledge the project team and partners in delivering this phase of the project on schedule. It has made a positive difference for our residents and gives us a facility that is a welcoming environment and ready for many more years of service to the community.
The Finance & Procurement Team worked with dedication to meet the challenges of the year, evidenced by their support for our Regional Managers to achieve a budgeted surplus in the 2020 Financial Statement. Covid-19, Pay Equity and the Karori refurbishment all represented destabilising factors that we have navigated in large part by astute financial leadership.
Amidst these overarching trends the Board would like to acknowledge less visible trends in the Financial year. Steady improvements in medication safety processes and resulting events, increasing enrolments at Little Owls, and our first-class Transitional Rehabilitation care at the Granada Centre are all evidence of a collective commitment to our shared values.
We welcomed two new trustees during the year, Rob Wise representing St John of God Health Care and Tim Sissons, a Christchurch-based lawyer. They are both adding real value for the Board and I am delighted with the way the Trust Board is working together to support Steve and his team. I would like to pay particular tribute to Dr Kristin Good, who led a Board sub-committee on our response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the huge workload she had in an incredibly difficult time, Kristin took time to share her knowledge and experience, giving both the Board and the management team huge support and confidence as we worked together to ensure our response to COVID-19 was the best it could be.
I would like to personally thank all our caregivers for the contribution you make to our organisation and the way you live our values in support of the many people we care for.
Our People
The teams across New Zealand dedicated to supporting the people we work alongside.
Clinical Service Delivery Roles
Financial Overview
Financial Statements for the Year Ended 30 June 2020
Statement of Comprehensive Income
2020 | 2019 | |
$'000 | $'000 | |
Revenue from exchange transactions | 17,774 |
16,883 |
Accommodation and service fees | 14,506 | 13,946 |
Government grants and subsidies | 2,874 | 2,359 |
Other grants and subsidies | 142 | 190 |
Other operating revenue | 252 | 388 |
Revenue from non-exchange transactions | 6 | 20 |
Donations | 6 | 20 |
Total revenue | 17,780 | 16,903 |
Expenses | 16,819 | 16,183 |
Employee costs and contract remuneration | 13,444 | 12,816 |
Supply costs | 1,104 | 1,145 |
Other operating expenses | 931 | 936 |
Centralised support and service costs | 1,289 | 1,241 |
Board expenses | 51 | 45 |
EBITDA | 961 | 719 |
Interest income | (9) | (34) |
Interest expense | 129 | 96 |
Net Interest | 120 | 62 |
Depreciation owned assets | 428 | 408 |
Depreciation leased assets | 132 | 110 |
Operating surplus | 281 | 139 |
Statement of Financial Position
2020 | 2019 | |
$'000 | $'000 | |
Assets | ||
Current assets | 2,043 | 1,639 |
Cash and cash equivalents | 857 | 22 |
Cash held on behalf of residents | 144 | 146 |
Bank deposits | 439 | 470 |
Sundry debtors and other receivables | 559 | 970 |
Other assets | 44 | 30 |
Non-current assets | 8,470 | 7,477 |
Property, plant and equipment | 5,426 | 5,656 |
Work in progress | 2,682 | 1,389 |
Leased assets | 343 | 413 |
Investment in shares in co-operative supplier | 19 | 19 |
Total assets | 10,513 | 9,116 |
Liabilities | ||
Current liabilities | 2,500 | 2,740 |
Bank Overdraft | 0 | 92 |
Trade payables and accruals | 933 | 1,191 |
Residents' funds | 144 | 146 |
Employee benefit liabilities | 1,051 | 864 |
Grants held for future or other specific purposes | 87 | 73 |
Bank loan | 154 | 256 |
Lease liability | 131 | 117 |
Non-current liabilities | 3,171 | 1,815 |
Bank Loan | 2,698 | 1,261 |
Lease liability | 214 | 295 |
Loan from St John of God Health Care Inc | 259 | 259 |
Total liabilities | 5,671 | 4,555 |
Trust equity | 4,842 | 4,561 |
Retained surpluses | 4,842 | 4,561 |
Statement of Movements in Equity
2020 | 2019 | |
$'000 | $'000 | |
Equity at beginning of year | 4,561 | 4,328 |
Operating surplus / (deficit) for the year | 281 | 140 |
Prior year adjustment for finance leases | 0 | 93 |
Equity at end of year | 4,842 | 4,561 |
Statement of Cash Flows
2020 | 2019 | |
$'000 | $'000 | |
Cash from Operations | 1,180 | 1,023 |
Surplus(Deficit) | 281 | 140 |
Prior Year Adjustment to finance leases | 0 | 93 |
Depreciation and amortisation | 561 | 518 |
Changes in working capital | ||
Accounts receivable | 412 | (57) |
Inventories | (14) | 7 |
Trade payables and accruables | (358) | 349 |
Goods and Services Tax | 97 | (84) |
Employee benefit liabilities | 187 | 49 |
Grants for future or specific purposes | 14 | 10 |
Cash from Investing | (1,554) | (1,996) |
Capital expenditures | (1,554) | (1,996) |
Cash from Financing | 1,268 | (59) |
Bank loan | 1,336 | (244) |
Lease liability | (68) | 21 |
Loan from St John of God Health Care Inc | 0 | 163 |
Total change in cash | 894 | (1,031) |
Ending cash balance | 1,440 | 546 |
Beginning cash balance | 546 | 1,577 |
Total change in cash | 894 | (1,031) |
Total Revenue
Total Assets
Our Year in Care
Our Mission is to continue the healing mission of Jesus, supporting some of the most vulnerable people in our communities. Our five core values of Manaakitanga, Aroha, Whakaute, Tika and Hiranga continue to shape our workforce and the way we collaborate to support the people we work alongside every day.

Acknowledging our Funders
We would like to thank and acknowledge our key funding partners of our Health and Ability Services division.
We would like to acknowledge the contribution of the funders of our service at St John of God Waipuna. In collaboration with our grant and philanthropic funding, your support is vital to our capacity to support young people to achieve growth and development.
The following selection of videos are brief excerpts from our year in care and are illustrative of the creative and innovative approach that we bring to supporting people living with a disability.
Thank you to our Grant Funders, Donors and Partners
Government Grant funders
The Canterbury District Health Board |
Christchurch City Council |
Department of Corrections |
Lottery Grants Board |
Ministry of Health |
Oranga Tamariki |
Non-government Grant funders and donors
The Hoatu Fund |
Rata Foundation |
Tindall Foundation |
Maurice Carter
Te Pou Limited |
Farina Thompson
And we would also like to acknowledge the other partnerships that help us collectively meet needs in our communities:
Aviva, Archbishop of Wellington Cardinal John A Dew DD and The Archdiocese of Wellington, Br Kevin Lawson O.H., Br Steven Coakley O.H., The Diocese of Christchurch, Burwood Hospital Spinal Unit and Brain Injury Rehabilitation Service, Plunket NZ, Capital Mobility, Capital Support, the Department of Corrections, Enable New Zealand, the Halswell MenzShed, Karori Anglican Church, Karori West Normal School, LifeLinks, Life Unlimited, The Nathaniel Centre, NZ Nurses Organisation, National Union of Public Employees, OCP, Odyssey House, Sisters of Mercy, Taylor Shaw Barristers and Solicitors, the University of Canterbury, The University of Otago, VFL Finance, Whitireia NZ.