Young people received mental health counselling for a range of needs including Alcohol and Drugs, Eating Disorders, Depression and Anxiety.

Young people received individualised social work support.
Young women at risk supported through the Mana Wahine Adventure Therapy programme.
Pregnancy and parenting education support groups delivered to 227 young parents.
Tamariki and their whānau supported at Little Owls Preschool.
Young parents and their children supported in the HOPE social housing project providing accommodation and wrap-around support services.
Youth at risk from eight schools completed the collaborative Adventure Therapy and Health and Wellbeing programme.
The newly established Reintegration Team is responsible for delivery of a High Risk Burglary Prevention program, Medium Risk Burglary Prevention program, and Mauri Tu Mauri Ora program for high risk youth.
The Reintegration Team have supported over 87 young people who have offended in prison-based and community-based programmes.
Rooms in the Wellington (47) and Canterbury (84) districts offering specialist residential care and clinical support for people with physical and neurological disabilities.
Continued full occupancy for the Southern Region with growing demand for transitional rehabilitation care at the Granada Centre and St John of God Halswell.
Seismic strengthening and reconfiguration project 75% complete at St John of God Karori adding four new rooms and improved living configuration and working environment.
Maximum four-year accreditation awarded to St John of God Halswell following the 2019 Ministry of Health Audit, with no corrective actions and two Continuous Improvements.
Opened St John of God Clouston Park, our new 11-room Community Home in Upper Hutt.
Delivered transitional rehab care to 31 clients with brain or spinal injuries at The Granada Centre. 12 have transitioned to living in the community with a further 15 on track.
Activities staff at The Granada Centre hosted 402 in-house activity sessions and 371 outings enabling individuals to access the community.
Delivered Supported Independent Living program for 6 clients, facilitating the transition to independent living.
Admitted nine residents with spinal injuries for complex pressure injury care in partnership with Burwood Spinal Unit with 100% successful outcomes.
Message from our CEO
Kia ora koutou,
The 2019 financial year was a busy time for St John of God Hauora Trust. Once again, many hundreds of vulnerable people benefitted from our Community, Youth and Child Services and our Health and Ability Services. The year was also especially busy because of our efforts to grow and develop the organisation, refine our quality management processes and lift our focus on continuous improvement projects. Whilst we have more work to do (continuous improvement never ends), we have made significant progress during the year in refining many aspects of the way in which we deliver our services.
I would like to thank everyone involved in helping our organisation to help others.
For me, and I know this is the case for many other St John of God Hauora Trust caregivers, it continues to be a privilege to work for our organisation. In contemplating this I am reminded of the story of St John of God walking the streets of Granada collecting wood, food and money to put to good use for many people and calling out in Spanish, roughly translated as: “Brothers and Sisters do good for yourself by doing good for others”.
Our new Strategic Plan lays out our direction for the next three years and demands that we continue to build an increasingly sustainable, well respected organisation dedicated to excellent practice and demonstrable positive outcomes. I look forward to working with you all on that in the years to come.
Ngā mihi,
Message from Our Chair
Kia ora koutou,
My first year on the Board of St John of God Hauora Trust has reinforced my view of the need for high quality services that are focused on the care and development of our most vulnerable. In both our support for youth, and our care for people living with disability, I am impressed by the standard of care and the quality of those who are tasked with its delivery to “go and do likewise”.
In this year we have seen important growth in our delivery including the establishment of the Reintegration Team, working alongside young people who have offended towards a path of prosocial growth and development. The addition of 11 rooms at St John of God Clouston Park and the commencement of the St John of God Karori reconfiguration is reflective of our collective drive to be able to support more people with our unique and high quality care offering. Our Board remains focussed on the ongoing development of quality and stewardship measures that underpinned this growth.
Our Reintegration Team working alongside rangatahi towards growth and development.
I would like to thank ex-Chair Bevan Killick for his contribution. Bevan’s strong business acumen has supported this organisation to make bold decisions and to thrive. His strong focus on relationships and insight for bringing people together has also seen this organisation continue to develop its relationships in many sectors. We also acknowledge the great dedication of Kathryn Dalziel and Marion Cowden who by the time this report is released will have concluded their nine years of service to SJGHT. Both have added invaluable oversight of the organisations’ development and I thank them here for their contribution.
We look forward to an important year to June 2020. The conclusion of the St John of God Karori redevelopment, growth consolidation at St John of God Waipuna and the implementation of the 2019-2022 Strategic Plan will all play important roles in our ability to adapt and meet community need in the future.
Ngā mihi maioha,
Our Mission
Our Mission is to continue the healing mission of Jesus, supporting some of the most vulnerable people in our communities. Our five core values of Manaakitanga, Aroha, Whakaute, Tika and Hiranga continue to shape our workforce and the way we collaborate to support the people we work alongside every day.

Our People
The teams across New Zealand dedicated to supporting the people we work alongside.
How we deliver care
The professionals who come together each day to help enrich and improve life for vulnerable people in New Zealand.
Financial Overview
Financial Statements for the Year Ended 30 June 2019
Statement of Comprehensive Income
2019 | 2018 | |
$'000 | $'000 | |
Revenue from exchange transactions | ||
Accommodation and service fees | 13,946 | 12,849 |
Other Health and Ability Services revenue | 37 | 39 |
Government grants and subsidies | 2,359 | 1,810 |
Other grants and subsidies | 190 | 234 |
Other operating revenue | 351 | 317 |
16,883 | 15,249 | |
Revenue from non-exchange transactions (donations) | 20 | 13 |
Total revenue | 16,903 | 15,262 |
Expenses | ||
Employee costs and contract remuneration | 12,816 | 11,114 |
Supply costs | 1,145 | 1,172 |
Other operating expenses | 936 | 800 |
Centralised support and service costs | 1,241 | 1,195 |
Board expenses | 45 | 41 |
Total expenses | 16,183 | 14,322 |
EBITDA | 720 | 940 |
Interest income | (34) | (52) |
Interest expense | 96 | 128 |
Net Interest | 62 | 77 |
Depreciation owned assets | 408 | 370 |
Depreciation leased assets | 110 | 108 |
Operating surplus / (deficit) | 140 | 385 |
Statement of Financial Position
2019 | 2018 | |
$'000 | $'000 | |
Assets | ||
Current assets | ||
Cash and cash equivalents | 22 | 289 |
Cash held on behalf of residents | 146 | 123 |
Bank deposits | 470 | 1,165 |
Sundry debtors and other receivables | 971 | 913 |
Other assets | 30 | 36 |
Total current assets | 1,639 | 2,527 |
Non-current assets | ||
Property, plant and equipment | 5,656 | 5,259 |
Work in progress | 1,389 | 415 |
Leased assets | 413 | 306 |
Investment in shares in co-operative supplier | 19 | 19 |
Total non-current assets | 7,477 | 5,999 |
Total assets | 9,116 | 8,526 |
Liabilities | ||
Current Liabilities | ||
Bank Overdraft | 92 | 0 |
Trade payables and accruals | 1,127 | 801 |
Residents' funds | 146 | 123 |
Goods and Services tax | 64 | 149 |
Employee benefit liabilities | 865 | 815 |
Grants held for future or other specific purposes | 73 | 63 |
Bank loan | 256 | 236 |
Lease liability | 117 | 94 |
Total current liabilities | 2,740 | 2,281 |
Non-current liabilities | ||
Bank Loan | 1,261 | 1,524 |
Lease liability | 295 | 297 |
Loan from St John of God Health Care Inc | 259 | 96 |
Total non-current liabilities | 1,815 | 1,917 |
Total liabilities | 4,555 | 4,198 |
Trust equity | ||
Retained surpluses |
4,561 | 4,328 |
Total equity attributable to the trust | 4,561 | 4,328 |
Statement of Movements in Equity
2019 | 2018 | |
$'000 | $'000 | |
Equity at beginning of year | 4,328 | 3,943 |
Operating surplus / (deficit) for the year | 140 | 385 |
Prior year adjustment for finance leases | 93 | 0 |
Equity at end of year | 4,561 | 4,328 |
Statement of Cash flows
2019 | 2018 | |
$'000 | $'000 | |
Surplus(Deficit) | 140 | 385 |
Prior Year Adjustment to finance leases | 93 | 0 |
Depreciation and amortisation | 518 | 478 |
Changes in working capital | ||
Accounts receivable | (57) | (153) |
Prepayments | 0 | (8) |
Inventories | 7 | 12 |
Trade payables and accruables | 348 | 72 |
Goods and Services Tax | (84) | 17 |
Employee benefit liabilities | 49 | 78 |
Grants for future or specific purposes | 10 | (143) |
Cash from Operations | 1,024 | 738 |
Capital expenditures | (1,996) | (916) |
Investment in Shares Co-op Supplier | 0 | 0 |
Cash from Investing | (1,996) | (916) |
Bank loan (Current) | 20 | 8 |
Lease liability (Current) | 23 | 0 |
Bank loan (Non-Current) | (264) | (221) |
Lease liability (Non-Current) | (2) | 89 |
Loan from St John of God Health Care Inc | 163 | 96 |
Cash from Financing | (59) | (29) |
Total change in cash | (1,031) | (206) |
Beginning cash balance | 1,577 | 1,784 |
Total change in cash | (1,031) | (206) |
Ending cash balance | 546 | 1,577 |
Total Assets
The St John of God Karori acquistion in 2015/16 for $3.81 Million significantly increased the value of Total Assets. The increase in 2016/17 is due largely to the establishment of Pampuri House in Halswell.
Our Year in Care
St John of God Hauora Trust provides supportive and person-centred care to people living with a disability as well as vulnerable children, young people and families in New Zealand.