Annual Report
July 2017 - June 2018

"I could actually swim before I could walk; I was always a worry for my mum because I would jump in the water and do a frog style. I love the water, I'm a water baby."

    St John of God Halswell Resident

Image Courtesy of the Christchurch Press

Highlights title 402x
Parent Child


Vulnerable young parents supported with social work, case management as well as parenting and education programmes.



Tamariki and their whanau provided quality ECE services at Little Owls Preschool.



Young people received counselling services for mental health, eating disorders and alcohol related issues.



Young people who have offended supported with intensive Adventure Therapy and prosocial support via our Reintegration and Prosocial Programmes Team.



Youth at risk from seven schools supported in collaborative practice with Adventure Therapy and Health and Wellbeing teams.



Young women at risk supported via our Mana Wahine Adventure Therapy group.

Hand Love


Caregivers supporting people living with disability.



Admissions to our residential care services.



Hours of specialist rehabilitation and therapy at the Granada Centre.



New community partnerships including MOU with MenzShed Halswell.

Light Bulb


Activity sessions delivered at the request of residents as part of their individual lifestyle plans.



Rooms in the South Island for the provision of specialist residential care.

Hand Love2


Caregivers supporting people living with disability.

Two Buildings


St John of God Clouston Park our 12 room Community Home in Upper Hutt.


In Progress

Seismic strengthening and refurbishment project at St John of God Karori.



Rooms in the North Island for the provision of specialist residential care.

Message from our CEO

Kia ora koutou,

Amongst the many people I met this past year through my role as CEO, two I recall in particular. One was a young man who shared with me his story of changing from a life of anti-social behaviour and offending to being a productive, positive and law-abiding citizen. He had done the hard work of honestly and critically examining his thoughts, feelings and behaviour. He challenged himself about his thinking and began to connect with people in his community who held prosocial values.  He learnt about his risk factors and put plans in place to manage them. He started to care about the impact of his behaviour on others.  His story was inspiring. It left me with great confidence in the quality of our reintegration services at St John of God Waipuna.

The other person was a resident at Health and Ability Services, a woman living with a terminal diagnosis. She had been previously placed in an aged-care facility as a result of not being able to manage at home. She was not an elderly person and was unhappy in aged-care. When a room became available with us she took the opportunity and found the environment to her liking. She responded to the increased social interaction with other residents and the care she received from our dedicated caregivers. She began to engage in rehabilitation and therapy and was immensely proud of being able to walk again, albeit for a limited distance.  She said she had unexpected moments of happiness in her new home and this had been rare for her since her diagnosis.

In talking with her, this struck me as our Mission in action. Despite her difficult circumstances, she had a reason to hope, she had a greater sense of dignity and a richer life. What a privilege it is for us to be able to support people like her in this way.

Caregivers can take pride in the achievements of our organisation in the 2018 financial year. Our residential care and rehabilitation services are in high demand and our Community, Youth and Child Services division continues to expand its network of support within the Canterbury region. I am certain some of our success stems from a strong organisational commitment to continuous improvement and I am looking forward to developments in the 2019 financial year and beyond.

This year we created a new Strategic Plan and our Board signed-off on six key priorities for the period 1 July 2018 to 30 June 2021 with which you can all assist. We aim to:

  1. Be a recognised leader across New Zealand for the delivery of high quality residential care and rehabilitation for people with a physical or neurological disability;

  2. Grow the provision of social services to address the unmet needs of vulnerable people;

  3. Elevate our profile so that we are recognised as a top brand for the services we deliver;

  4. Significantly increase the diversity of our revenue stream;

  5. Enhance our long-term financial sustainability; and

  6. Maximise the use of information and technology to improve the quality of life and independence of our residents and clients.

Your contribution to our healing Mission is greatly valued and sustains an ethos of care and support that has spanned across centuries.  St John of God was known for his call to ‘go and do likewise’, words we should hold the front of mind as we deliver on our 2019 plans.

I would like to thank you all for your contribution to our work. Caregivers, supporters, funders and industry colleagues alike.  You all maintain a vital role in supporting people in need.

Ngā mihi,


Message from our Board Chair

Kia ora koutou katoa,

The past year has seen us increase our capacity to support more vulnerable people in New Zealand, as well as continue to raise the standard of care we offer. In June 2018 our Northern Health and Ability Services Division expanded its service offering substantially with the opening of a new service in Upper Hutt.

Overall, our disability services continue to successfully adapt to the concurrent trends of increasing client acuity as well as demand for high quality, intelligent rehabilitation offerings. Our long-held view in the dignity of human life and commitment to raising each client’s physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing puts our organisation in a strong position to continue to expand our service offering to touch more communities in New Zealand.

With respect to the social services delivered at St John of God Waipuna we continue to gain recognition for our adaptability, innovation and creativity, evidenced in the increasing nature and scope of programmes with key partners including the Department of Corrections, Oranga Tamariki - Ministry for Children, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education and Canterbury District Health Board. A strong commitment to true partnership and collaborative work underpins this high calibre of work at Waipuna, and I acknowledge that commitment at all levels from our presence in service coordination initiatives such as Canterbury Children's Teams, Mana Ake, Right Service, Right Time through to caregivers who continue to advocate and support clients outside of the scope of their role.

As I conclude nine years of service on the Board of St John of God Hauora Trust and six years’ service as Chair, I have been encouraged by the increasing suite of complex and high calibre of services that we offer every day. My own education instilled in me a great respect for the foundational principles of Catholic Social Teaching, and how we all share responsibility for caring for those most vulnerable in society.

I wish to record my deep gratitude to my fellow board members for their support of me and their excellent stewardship of the organisation. I would also like to thank Steve Berry, his leadership team and all our caregivers for their hospitality and compassion. I would like to affirm the work of all our caregivers and volunteers as well as friends and supporters who bring a great diversity of experience and specialisation to continue the healing mission of Jesus Christ.


Ngā mihi maioha,

Bevan Killick

Board Chair, St John of God Hauora Trust

Caregivers of SJGHT WEBF2

Our Mission in 2018

At St John of God Hauora Trust hospitality has a lot to do with helping people feel at home in their own skin; creating relationships and environments where people come to appreciate their own value and grow the sense of possibility in their lives.

Our ethos of hospitality is underpinned by an unequivocal belief in the innate dignity of each person. Our practice of hospitality is shaped by human goodness – what some might call ordinary kindness.

You can see hospitality in action across our services every day: well-maintained grounds and buildings; a smile at reception; help for an anxious child settling into preschool; rapport building with a young person whose trust has already taken a battering; plenty of encouragement for the person discovering how to live with a disability; intensive hands-on rehabilitation for the person who just wants to get on with their life.

It is important to us that people feel at home. We believe change, development and healing are possible when people feel safe, respected and supported, and feedback from people we work with affirms that for us. Families, visitors, clients, colleagues and other professionals comment on the quality of the welcome as well as the quality of our practice.

In many workshops, meetings, orientation sessions and casual conversations with colleagues over the last year I have been impressed by the motivation of people who volunteer and work at SJGHT. They want to contribute to a more just and compassionate world, and SJGHT provides fertile ground for them to express their values and use their skills and talents in the service of the community. They bring their energy and problem solving skills to this work of mission.

For some, this means unconditional attention to the person in front of them or the task at hand. For others, it fuels a constant quest for improvement and development either personally or organisationally. This manifests itself in professional development, or a constant questioning of and reviewing of policies, systems and processes, or in a tireless quest for sufficient resources to ensure clients are getting the best service possible.

Growing the mission includes extending our services in response to increasing demand and unmet needs. It also includes growing our understanding of mission through reflection and discernment and our relationships with stakeholders, responding to feedback from clients, caregivers and the community.

The goal of Mission is always human flourishing. When people feel more at home in their own skins, in their families and communities, then change and growth are possible. I would encourage you to explore the rest of this report that will give you some insight into the work of St John of God and some of the people who breathe life into our mission and to the gift of hospitality that makes it possible to hope.


Joanne Hope

National Manager Mission

Our People

Financial Overview

Financial Statements for the Year Ended 30 June 2018

Statement of Comprehensive Income

  $'000 $'000
Revenue from exchange transactions        
Accommodation and service fees 12,848 11,295
Other Health and Ability Services revenue 39 24
Government grants and subsidies 1,810 1,898
Other grants and subsidies 234 266
Other operating revenue 317 358
  15,248 13,841
Revenue from non-exchange transactions (donations) 13 14
Total revenue 15,261 13,855
Employee costs and contract remuneration 11,114 10,034
Supply costs 1,172 1,155
Other operating expenses 800 847
Centralised support and service costs 1,195 1,040
Board expenses 41 46
Total expenses 14,322 13,122
EBITDA 939 733
Interest income (52) (65)
Interest expense 128 129
Net Interest 76 64
Depreciation owned assets 370 307
Depreciation leased assets 108 92
Operating surplus / (deficit) 385 270

 Statement of Financial Position

  $'000 $'000
Current assets    
Cash and cash equivalents 289 301
Cash held on behalf of residents 123 135
Bank deposits 1,165 1,348
Sundry debtors and other receivables 913 752
Other assets 37 48
Total current assets 2,527 2,584
Non-current assets        
Property, plant and equipment 5,259 5,220
Work in progress 415 65
Leased assets 306 258
Investment in shares in co-operative supplier 19 19
Total non-current assets 5,999 5,562
Total assets 8,526 8,146
Current Liabilities    
Trade payables and accruals 801 717
Residents' funds 123 135
Goods and Services tax 149 132
Employee benefit liabilities 815 737
Grants held for future or other specific purposes 63 206
Bank loan 236 228
Lease liability 94 94
Total current liabilities 2,281 2,249
Non-current liabilities    
Bank Loan 1,524 1,746
Lease liability 297 209
Loan from St John of God Health Care Inc 96 0
Total non-current liabilities 1,917 1,954
Total liabilities 4,198 4,203
Trust equity    
Retained surpluses
4,328 3,943
Total equity attributable to the trust 4,328 3,943


 Statement of Movements in Equity

  $'000 $'000
Equity at beginning of year 3,943 3,673
Operating surplus / (deficit) for the year 385 270
Equity at end of year 4,328 3,943


 Statement of Cash flows
  $'000 $'000
Surplus(Deficit) 385 270
Depreciation and amortisation 478 400
Changes in working capital    
Accounts receivable (153) (75)
Prepayments (8) 7
Inventories  12 6
Trade payables and accruables 72 35
Goods and Services Tax 17 57
Employee benefit liabilities 78 6
Grants for future or specific purposes (143) 129
Cash from Operations 738 834
Capital expenditures  (916) (701)
Cash from Investing (916) (701)
Bank loan (Current) 8 (79)
Lease liability (Current)  0 50
Bank loan (Non-Current) (222) (142)
Lease liability (Non-Current) 89 135
Loan from St John of God Health Care Inc 96 0
Investment in shares in co-operative supplier 0 (6)
Cash from Financing (29) (42)
Total change in cash (207) 91
Beginning cash balance 1,784 1,693
Total change in cash  (207)  91
Ending cash balance 1,577 1,784


 Read the Audited Financial Statements

Unqualified Audit Opinion Regarding Financial Statements

Equity and Assets

Our Year in Care

St John of God Hauora Trust provides supportive and person-centred care to people living with a disability as well as vulnerable children, young people and families in New Zealand.

Health and Ability Services (Southern)

Virginia Spoors, Southern Regional Manager
Our care is based on a privileged partnership supporting people to achieve goals and experience joy, excitement and fulfilment.

Health and Ability Services (Northern)

Stewart Clark, Northern Regional Manager
It’s a matter of considerable pride that we have continued to provide excellence in care in our growing Northern Region.

Community, Youth and Child Services

Sarah Williams, Southern Regional Manager
Manaakitanga, Aroha, Whakaute, Tika and Hiranga are the values that are at the heart of all we do.

Acknowledging our Funders

We would like to thank and acknowledge our key funding partners of our Health and Ability Services division.

We would like to acknowledge the contribution of the funders of our service at St John of God Waipuna. In collaboration with our grant and philanthropic funding, your support is vital to our capacity to support young people to achieve growth and development.

The following selection of videos are brief excerpts from our year in care and are illustrative of the creative and innovative approach that we bring to supporting people living with a disability.


Kia manawanui,
Canterbury District Health Board


Department of Corrections


Oranga Tamariki 


Ministry of Education


Ministry of Health



ACC logo 


Thank you to our Grant Funders, Donors and Partners 


Government Grant funders

Canterbury District Health Board
The Canterbury District Health Board
CCC transparent
Christchurch City Council
CorrectionsNZ logo.svg
Department of Corrections

Lottery Grants

Lottery Grants Board
MOE Logo

Ministry of Education
HealthNZ logo.svg
Ministry of Health
Oranga Tamariki
Oranga Tamariki


Non-government Grant funders

 Catholic Diocese of Christchurch
The Hoatu Fund and the
Diocesan Welfare Council
The Todd Foundation
The Todd Foundation
  Mike Pero2
Lindsay & Marilyn Welch
rata positive rgb
Rata Foundation


Te Pou PNG Transparent
Te Pou Limited
JR McKenzie
J R Mckenzie Trust
Mike Pero2
Alistair Brown and the
Mike Pero Foundation
TTF logo RGB
Tindall Foundation


Farina Thompson
Charitable Trust


Maurice Carter
Charitable Trust


Hospitaller Order of St John of God
The Hospitaller Order of St John of God
and St John of God Trust



Viv Klassen



Estate of Dick Russell



Estate of Susan Abbot



Sharon Bensberg



And we would also like to acknowledge the other partnerships that help us collectively meet needs in our communities:

Aviva, Archbishop of Wellington Cardinal John A Dew DD and The Archdiocese of Wellington, Br Kevin Lawson O.H., Br Steven Coakley O.H., The Diocese of Christchurch, Burwood Hospital Spinal Unit and Brain Injury Rehabilitation Service, Plunket NZ, Capital Mobility, Capital Support, the Department of Corrections, Enable New Zealand, the Halswell MenzShed, the Hospitaller Order of the Brothers of St John of God, Karori Anglican Church, Karori West Normal School, LifeLinks, Life Unlimited, The Nathaniel Centre, NZ Nurses Organisation, National Union of Public Employees, OCP, Odyssey House, Sisters of Mercy, Taylor Shaw Barristers and Solicitors, the University of Canterbury, The University of Otago, VFL Finance, Whitireia NZ, the Yunus Social Business Centre.


Thank you to our Grant Funders, Donors and Partners 


Government Grant funders

Canterbury District Health Board
The Canterbury District Health Board
CCC transparent
Christchurch City Council
CorrectionsNZ logo.svg
Department of Corrections

Lottery Grants

Lottery Grants Board
MOE Logo

Ministry of Education
HealthNZ logo.svg
Ministry of Health
Oranga Tamariki
Oranga Tamariki


Non-government Grant funders

 Catholic Diocese of Christchurch
The Hoatu Fund and the
Diocesan Welfare Council
The Todd Foundation
The Todd Foundation
  Mike Pero2
Lindsay & Marilyn Welch
rata positive rgb
Rata Foundation


Te Pou PNG Transparent
Te Pou Limited
JR McKenzie
J R Mckenzie Trust
Mike Pero2
Alistair Brown and the
Mike Pero Foundation
TTF logo RGB
Tindall Foundation


Farina Thompson
Charitable Trust


Maurice Carter
Charitable Trust


Hospitaller Order of St John of God
The Hospitaller Order of St John of God
and St John of God Trust



Viv Klassen



Estate of Dick Russell



Estate of Susan Abbot



Sharon Bensberg



And we would also like to acknowledge the other partnerships that help us collectively meet needs in our communities:

Aviva, Archbishop of Wellington Cardinal John A Dew DD and The Archdiocese of Wellington, Br Kevin Lawson O.H., Br Steven Coakley O.H., The Diocese of Christchurch, Burwood Hospital Spinal Unit and Brain Injury Rehabilitation Service, Plunket NZ, Capital Mobility, Capital Support, the Department of Corrections, Enable New Zealand, the Halswell MenzShed, the Hospitaller Order of the Brothers of St John of God, Karori Anglican Church, Karori West Normal School, LifeLinks, Life Unlimited, The Nathaniel Centre, NZ Nurses Organisation, National Union of Public Employees, OCP, Odyssey House, Sisters of Mercy, Taylor Shaw Barristers and Solicitors, the University of Canterbury, The University of Otago, VFL Finance, Whitireia NZ, the Yunus Social Business Centre.


The Year Ahead

noun Planning 1396873


Implementation of the St John of God Hauora Trust Strategic Plan 2019-2022 and its related Service Action Plans.



Seismic strengthening, refurbishment and reconfiguration programme at the 35-room St John of God Karori facility.


Mana Ake

Implementation and consolidation of the new service coordinating mental health professionals at primary schools in Canterbury.



Electronic Medication Management system in Health and Ability Services.



Residential Care Pathway programme at Health and Ability Services.

Hand Love2


Full capacity at St John of God Clouston Park and make it a provider of choice in the Hutt Valley.



New Zealand’s first accessible tiny home in collaboration with Menzshed Halswell, supporting residents into a community setting.

Two Buildings


Site development proposals for unused land at our St John of God Halswell site.



New Zealand Spirit of St John of God Award.

Our Leadership Team

Sarah Hillier
Chief Executive Officer
Henare Te Karu
Kath Prins
General Manager Community, Youth and Child Services
Seaneen Mckenzie
General Manager People & Culture
John McManus
General Manager Health and Ability Services
Warren Murphy
General Manager Finance and Services Support
George Anderson
General Manager Communications & Marketing
Jason McTague
General Manager Mission Integration

Our Board

Peter Jensen (Chair)
Tim Burns (Deputy Chair)
Tim Sissons
Grahame Coles
MBus, PGDip Mgmt
Stella Ward
Jackie Crampton